Miliary TB
(속립 결핵에서 넘어옴)
Miliary TB(좁쌀 결핵, 속립 결핵)은 주로 immunocompromised patients에서 TB가 massive lymphohematogenous dissemination 하는 질환이다.
Image findings
- innumerable well-defined solid randomly distributed micronodules(<3mm)
- sometimes upper lobe predominancy.
- additional findings
- GGO, interlobular septal thickening and intralobular reticulation, mediastinal lymphadenopathy, pleural effusions
Differential diagnosis
- Other miliary infection such as fungal infection.
- Miliary sarcoidosis(diffuse sarcoidosis)
- Hematogenous metastasis
- predominantly in the lung periphery & bases
- often larger than a few millimeters