
Pulmonary function test

Jin (토론 | 기여)님의 2024년 6월 12일 (수) 16:00 판

폐기능 검사(Pulmonary function test, PFT)

  • TLC=IC(inspiratory capacity)+FRC(funtional residual capacity)=VC+RV=ERV+TV(tidal volume)+IRV+RV
  • Restrictive pattern: FVC<80%, FVC가 작을수록 심함, TLC, VC, RV 모두 감소
    • parenchymal restrictive pattern: RV 감소
    • extraparenchymal restrictive pattern with limitation in inspiration and expiration: RV 증가
      • 질환: Neuromuscular disease, chest wall 이상
  • Obstructive pattern: FEV1/FVC<70%, FEV1이 작을수록 심함
  • BDR(bronchodilator responsiveness)