Basal ganglia
바닥핵(Basal ganglia)는 voluntary movement와 postural adjustment에서 중요한 기능을 담당하는 구조이다.
[숨기기]Supplying arteries
- medial and lateral lenticulostriate arteries, from ACA and MCA respectively
- Receives cortical input, provides negative feedback to cortex to modulate movement.
- Striatum = putamen (motor) + caudate (cognitive).
- Lentiform = putamen + globus pallidus.
Caudate nuclues
Globus pallidus
- Basal ganglia physiologic calcification
The putamen and globus pallidus
- 뇌에서 상대적으로 high metabolic activity and increased utilization of glucose and oxygen 보임.
- mitochondria, vascular supply, neurotransmitters, and chemical content들이 풍부
- metabolic abnormalities and many systemic or generalized disease processes에 취약함.
- Putamen, external capsule: 고혈압성 뇌출혈의 가장 흔한 위치.
- Putamen/external capsule (60%)> thalamus> pons> cerebellum> subcortical WM 순.