

Shoulder(shoulder joint, 어깨 관절)는 ball-and-socket joint로 운동반경이 넓지만 상대적으로 unstable한 관절이다.


  • glenohumeral joint & acromioclavicular joint
  • sternoclavicular joint
  • scapulothoracic joint


Rotator cuff

  • 따로 기술함.

Biceps tendon long head(LHBT) and Rotator interval

  • Biceps labral complex(bicipitolabral complex): 3 types
  • Predominant posterior insertion is prone to superior labral tears with posterior extension of the tear in the throwing athlete.
  • Biceps pulley: SGHL + CHL medial band
  • Rotator interval: a triangular space between the tendons of subscapularis and supraspinatus and the base of the coracoid process


  • superior glenohumeral ligament
  • middle glenohumeral ligament
  • inferior glenohumeral ligament: anterior band and posterior band.
  • coracohumeral ligament
  • coracoacromial ligament
  • Rotator cable(RC): articular side of SST and IST, connected to CHL.

Joint capsule and recess

  • anterior joint capsule attachment: 3 types
  • 3 Recesses
    • subscapular recess: saddlebag fluid collection.
    • axillary recess
    • intertubercular recess


  • Subacriomial-subdeltoid bursa
  • Subcoracoid bursa

Neurovascular bundles