
Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

에릭슨정신사회 발달 단계(Erikson's stages of psychosocial development)

Approximate Age
Psychosocial crisis
Significant relationship
Existential question

0-2 years

Hope 신뢰 vs 비신뢰 Mother Can I trust the world? Feeding, abandonment
Early childhood

2–4 years

Will 자율성 vs 수치 Parents Is it okay to be me? Toilet training, clothing themselves
Preschool age

4–5 years

Purpose 주도성(Initiative) vs. 죄책감(guilt) Family Is it okay for me to do, move, and act? Exploring, using tools or making art
School age

5–12 years

Competence 근면성(Industry) vs. 열등감(inferiority) Neighbors, school Can I make it in the world of people and things? School, sports

13–19 years

Fidelity 정체성(Identity) vs. 역할 혼돈(role confusion) Peers, role model Who am I? Who can I be? Social relationships
Early adulthood

20–39 years

Love 친밀성(Intimacy) vs. 소외(isolation) Friends, partners Can I love? Romantic relationships

40–64 years

Care 생산성(Generativity) vs. 자기위축감, 정체(stagnation) Household, workmates Can I make my life count? Work, parenthood


Wisdom 통합성(Ego integrity) vs. 절망(despair) Mankind, my kind Is it okay to have been me? Reflection on life
  • Early childhood와 Preschool, Adulthood와 Maturity는 특히 헷갈리기 쉬우니 주의

다른 이론

  • 피아제(Piaget)의 인지발달
    • 감각운동기(0~1세): 대상영속성
    • 전조작기(1~6세): 자아중심적 사고, 도덕적 타율성, 물활론
    • 구체적 조작기(7~12세): 탈중심화, 보존개념
    • 형식적 조작기(13~성인): 추상적 사고, 가설
  • 프로이트(Freud)의 정신-성 발달 이론(psychosexual development theory)
    • 구강기: 자기중심적
    • 항문기: 강박, 가학, 피학
    • 남근기: 경쟁적, 초자아 성립
    • 잠복기: 동성친구
    • 성기기: 2차 성징, 심리적 독립