
Stress fracture

(피로 골절에서 넘어옴)

Stress fracture(피로 골절)은 뼈가 스스로 재생하는 능력보다 더 가한 스트레스가 지속적으로 누적되어 생기는 골절이다.


감별 질환

  • Osteoid osteoma
    • A stress fracture appears as an infraction in the center of an area of cortical thickening, whereas osteoid osteoma appears as around nidus
    • bone scan: a stress fracture demonstrates linear, intense uptake of the tracer whereas osteoid osteoma displays the double-density sign(intense central uptake is seen at the site of the nidus and moderate uptake is seen in the surrounding area)
  • MTSS