
Breast engorgement

Jin (토론 | 기여)님의 2017년 10월 7일 (토) 12:50 판
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유방 울혈(breast engorgement)은 출산 이후 모유 수유와 함께 interstitial edema나 수유하면서 모유의 축적으로 인해 발생한다.

임상 양상

  • breast fullness and firmness, which is accompanied by pain and tenderness.
  • Engorgement can occur at varying times postpartum
  • Primary engorgement: usually between days three to five after delivery. It is due to interstitial edema of the breast prompted by the decrease in progesterone levels after the placenta is delivered [49].
  • Secondary engorgement: typically occurs later when there is a mismatch between milk production and extraction as the mother's milk supply exceeds the amount of milk removed by her infant. This may occur from excessive stimulation of milk production via pumping, taking medications to increase milk supply, decreased milk extraction from not feeding the baby as often (eg, weaning), or during times of infant illness.


  • adequate removal of the milk.
  • For primary engorgement, it is important to ensure implementation of good feeding techniques with a satisfactory latch and optimal nursing positioning.
  • the following interventions are often used for pain relief associated with either primary or secondary engorgement:
  • Applying warm compresses or a warm shower enhances let-down and may facilitate milk removal either by hand expression or with suckling
  • After or between feedings, cold compresses may decrease the swelling and discomfort
  • Analgesics such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen may decrease the discomfort
  • Cool green cabbage leaves

감별 질환

  • mastitis: 유방 울혈에는 드문 fever, myalgia 동반